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Idera rolls out SharePoint encryption software

February 8, 2012 —  SharePoint administration tools provider Idera today has announced SharePoint encrypt, software that can encrypt SharePoint documents, and SharePoint and SQL Server systems, to protect them from unwanted access.

“It’s not just users and permissions at the SharePoint level; it’s about shoring up the gateways, one of which is SQL Server,” Wayne Washburn, director of SharePoint products at Idera, told SPTechReport. “We have a lot of people with deep understanding of systems management, and we’re leveraging that expertise.”

Idera has partnered with CipherPoint to create the software that combines encryption and key management for content security, Washburn said. “Keys can be set up in the centralized management console, and I can say, ‘I want this library protected with this key, and that library protected with that key,’ and set end dates,” he explained.

Washburn went on to point out that security administrators can give access via Active Directory, or use an independent authorization process to create access control lists different from SharePoint’s basic permissions. “If SharePoint validates against Active Directory, for example, the encryption program will intercede and only deliver unencrypted content to people on those access control lists.”

SharePoint encrypt becomes the third leg of a multi-tiered security solution from Idera, which also includes enterprise management software to manage users and permissions in SharePoint, audit software that keeps a record of events for compliance.

Washburn said the product will be available within a few weeks to a month, and the company will be demonstrating the software at its booth as a gold sponsor of  SPTechCon San Francisco on Feb. 28 and 29.

Related Search Term(s): encryption, Idera

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