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MetaVis Automates Changes in SharePoint

October 20, 2010 —  To manage and automate changes among SharePoint development, staging and production environments, SharePoint migration tool vendor MetaVis introduced its Change Control and Release Manager today.

The new tool provides a controllable and repeatable way to automate changes in SharePoint, helping to audit, track, and control content and setting changes. This helps minimize errors and ensure SharePoint site consistency, MetaVis said.

Changes are tracked in CCRM through granular reports that detail the differences between SharePoint objects, including sites, lists and libraries, fields, content types, folders, Web parts, workflows, and more. Administrators can then manage and synchronize any changes across multiple SharePoint environments for consistency, the company said.

Some processes that can be automated with CCRM include pushing updates, scheduling recurring activities, and disseminating changes made in a SharePoint development environment to testing, staging and production.

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