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Sandbox vs. Client Object Model

July 17, 2012 —  (Page 1 of 2)
This past weekend, I was coaching my son’s baseball team, and after several frustrating losses, we got a win in our last game. Why? We decided that instead of trying to make the parents and players happy by playing positions they wanted but were not as skilled at, we put them in positions where they would be successful. The outcome is that all parties (parents, players and coaches) were happy.

SharePoint is like that tournament team. There are many ways to successfully accomplish a task in SharePoint. While Microsoft touts this as a feature, this is a source of frustration to users, including developers. The issue I am addressing in this article is to give you guidance in regard to when to implement a sandbox solution versus a Client Object Model solution.

Since there has been plenty written regarding these technologies from a how-to standpoint, I am going to address two real-world scenarios.

Last week, I was speaking to a customer about a dynamic site map they wanted to implement. They asked for my comments regarding a sandbox solution they found online. This solution creates a dynamic site map when the page renders. I steered him away from this and toward the Client Object Model.

While the sandbox solution would work, the problem lies in the resource quota that is consumed every time the page is rendered. The customer had a public site that has the potential to be hit thousands of times a day. If that page is rendered even half the time, it is conceivable that resource quotas will be met quickly. These will have to be raised in accordance with the popularity of the site. This was not a good fit for a sandbox solution.

I steered him to the Client Object Model (which I believe is a Top 3 technology improvement that was introduced with SharePoint 2010). Over the last two years, I have personally utilized it on public websites that get hit thousands of times a day. Some of these websites get extensive traffic from as far away as India. The sites are still responsive. The best part is that much of the code that has been written for the sandbox solution can be reused! Now when the page is rendered, this code is run client-side and sent to the server for response.

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