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Top five SharePoint performance killers

March 7, 2012 —  (Page 1 of 2)
When it comes to storing content for SharePoint, there’s a lot of confusion about what is supposed to be done. This is partly because Microsoft’s messaging about storage has shifted so many times that the answers are muddled, according to Chris McNulty, Quest Software evangelist for SharePoint.

As is too often that case, Microsoft has multiple ways to solve various problems. Users want straightforward answers: “Tell me how to do it, and I’ll do it. Don’t tell me I can do it this way or that way, or this way for now, but then I’ll want to move to that way later.” Microsoft needs to provide more leadership and fewer options. But, for an article on SharePoint storage, I digress.

Storage has become a big issue because more organizations are putting more things into their SharePoint installations. Microsoft’s guidance on how much data to put into the content database for SharePoint 2010 is 200GB. Meanwhile, organizations aren’t blinking about maintaining 1TB of data or more, and this huge amount of data impacts SharePoint performance negatively.

McNulty said the SharePoint team at Quest has identified five performance-killers caused by SharePoint content overload:

1 – The takeover of unstructured data. Unstructured data—Binary Large Objects, or BLOBS—contribute to nearly 95% of storage overhead in SharePoint content databases, according to Quest, and they take extra processing power and time to read the data.

2 – Avalanche of large media. Videos, images and other large media files are also occupying more space in SharePoint, meaning users will experience browser timeouts, slow Web server performance, and upload and recall failures, Quest has found. “It’s one thing if these are training videos that are actively used,” McNulty said. “But if that’s a secondary function, [those files] can be externalized.”

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