‘The Dark Knight’ of SharePoint
June 20, 2012 — (Page 2 of 2)
Contrary to what many think, however, I don't hunt for controversial topics. I simply don't see the point in reposting information that's already out there. There's a vast and highly skilled technical community out there that will cover the How-To's of SharePoint. There's at least as vast a fan-based community that will point out what's great and wonderful about SharePoint. What's left are deep and complex technical issues, and pointing out the problems with SharePoint.
That's where I fit in; I write what nobody else writes, having opinions that very few others dare to publicly state. Yes, I believe SharePoint sucks. Yes, I think the product team seriously damages SharePoint by their silly secrecy policy. Yes, I think many of the MVPs are MVPs because of brown-nosing rather than of any valuable contribution to anything, much less the community. Yes, I think the community has gone from a constructive and helpful community to a ‘money first, screw everything else’ attitude.
Inevitably, that will cause some people to hate me, but regardless of their opinion of me, they will listen, and that gives me the power to change SharePoint and the community.”
Bjorn might be many things, but he’s not uninteresting. His “pull no punches” approach and brutal honesty earned him the nickname “The Dark Knight of SharePoint” from no less a SharePoint luminary than Joel Oleson. You can follow his blog at
blog.furuknap.net, and in the next few days he will be launching to keep on top of the news about SharePoint's next step.
Related Search Term(s): Bjorn Furuknap
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