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Working with video content in SharePoint 2013

October 2, 2012 —  (Page 2 of 2)
Here is a screenshot of part of the Edit Properties screen:
SharePoint video

Related items – Another cool new feature that you may have noticed in the first screenshot is the ability to include related items. For example, if my content search video has a Word document or two associated with it, those documents can be added as related content. Since each video has its own document set in here, those documents are contained within its document set.

Everything in this article so far has been confined to the library itself. What about situations where videos need to be displayed in Web Parts on other pages in the site? There are a couple of out-of-the-box Web Parts that are great at this:
Media Web Part – This Web Part has been around since SharePoint 2010. Simply add it to a page, then use the Media tab at the top to configure its properties, such as the video to look at and whether to play it automatically.
Video as page content – Also, on publishing pages and wiki pages, media content can directly be inserted into content areas, and the configuration of the media itself is the same. When editing these types of pages, the Insert tab will contain an option for video. You can navigate to your SharePoint content, or use the embed code for any video from SharePoint or the Internet.
Content Search Web Part – This is a new Web Part in SharePoint 2013, along with a whole category of Web Parts called Search-Driven Content. Video content can be displayed in this Web Part, and there is a Web-Part setting called Control, which has a setting called Slideshow. Videos can be displayed in this slideshow style so that they can be scrolled through in a pretty graphical interface. This screenshot is of a Content Search Web Part on the home page, which shows one video at a time and has two total videos:
SharePoint video

Laura Rogers is a consultant and SharePoint MVP with SharePoint911, a Rackspace company.

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10/02/2012 01:43:16 PM EST

Great post and this is great to see Microsoft is starting to address the DAM aspects of SharePoint deployments. This is a fantastic start.

United Statesjeff shuey

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