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Display Multiple Document Libraries in SharePoint 2010

July 6, 2011 —  (Page 2 of 4)

• Pros - A fair amount of customization can be done in the Web part settings, and content can be rolled up from multiple sites.
• Cons - The performance on this Web part is not optimal. For example, if it is set up to roll up all documents from libraries in 100 different sub-sites, this Web part could take a bit long to load. Another issue is that by default this Web part displays the title field of items. The display format and columns CAN be customized, but it takes modification of the itemstyle.xsl and levelstyle.xsl files in the Style Library (document library) on the site, which takes some coding knowledge.

What’s New Web Part
This is an out-of-the-box Web part. It is only available when the Group Work Lists feature has been activated on the site. This Web part displays items that have been created or modified in the last seven days. In the Web part settings, pick the specific lists and libraries to display, and they are all rolled up in the Web part.


• Pros - It can roll up the specific lists and libraries of your choosing from one site, and it is a good, quick glimpse at items that people have been working on lately.
• Cons - There aren’t many customizations that can be made in the Web part settings, and the setup is a bit complex because the modified column needs to be set up as indexed on each list or library that needs to be included.

Here is a .

Data View Web Part—Merge Sources
This is a Web part that can be created as a data view Web part using SharePoint Designer 2010. With this method, specific libraries can be selected from within the site and merged together to create one big list of documents.

In SharePoint Designer 2010, open your site and click Data Sources on the left. In the ribbon, click Linked Data Source. Click Configure Linked Source, and there you will be prompted to select from any of the lists and libraries on the site.

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