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Display Multiple Document Libraries in SharePoint 2010

July 6, 2011 —  (Page 1 of 4)
A frequent requirement in SharePoint projects is to display documents from multiple libraries together. There are several different methods in which this can be achieved in SharePoint 2010, ranging from simple out-of-the-box Web parts to more advanced data view Web parts. Of course, as with most tasks in SharePoint, it can be done with custom development, but I usually try to steer towards out-of-the-box functionalities before going that route.

In this article, you will learn about several different methods for displaying documents from multiple libraries, with pros and cons of each method.

Relevant Documents Web Part
This is an out-of-the-box Web part. It shows a rollup of files that are relevant to you. It is in the Content Rollup category of Web parts. By default, this Web part shows all documents in the site that were last modified by me (the currently logged-in user). In the Web part settings, there are check boxes to allow the display of documents created by me and documents checked out to me:


• Pros - It displays the most recent data from multiple libraries on a site, and it is automatically personalized to the logged-in user.
• Cons - There is not much customization that can be done in the Web part settings, it will only display information relevant to whomever is currently looking at the page, and it only rolls up data from one site.

Content Query Web Part
This is another out-of-the-box Web part. This Web part is only available when the publishing features are enabled at the site-collection level. This Web part is also in the Content Rollup category of Web parts.

With this Web part, a specific type of content can be selected and rolled up from the level of your choosing: the whole site collection, one site, or one specific list. The format of the display can also be configured in the Web part settings, such as changing the grouping level and the style of the text for groups and items. In this example, all tasks from the site collection are displayed in one place on the home page. This Web part can even accept up to two filters, so if desired this Web part could be filtered so that “Assigned To” is equal to Me, and the logged-in user would see all of their tasks.

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