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What’s new with document libraries in SharePoint 2013?

November 20, 2012 —  (Page 1 of 2)
It’s that time again! A new version of SharePoint has rolled out, and with it came new features. Document libraries are essential for SharePoint users to collaborate. SharePoint 2010 introduced many new features to make working with document libraries easier and more efficient, such as the ability to select multiple documents. How could SharePoint 2013 top this feature? How about giving users the ability to simply drag and drop documents straight from their desktop into a document library? With a simple click of the mouse, you can drag an item from your desktop to a SharePoint 2013 document library. This is an extremely powerful and useful feature that all SharePoint users will love.

Let’s take a quick look at the steps it takes to get a document from your desktop to a SharePoint 2010 document library.

Single Document
1. Open a SharePoint 2010 Document Library.
2. Click Add Document.
3. On the Upload Document pop-up, click Browse.
4. Locate your document.
5. Click Open.
6. On the Upload Document pop-up, click OK.
7. You will now see your document is in the library.
SharePoint drag-and-drop

Multiple Documents
1. With the same SharePoint 2010 document library, click Add Document.
2. On the Upload Document pop-up, click Upload Multiple Files...
3. On the Upload Multiple Documents pop-up, you are now able to drag files and folders here.
SharePoint drag-and-drop

4.    You can also browse for your files.
5.    Drag a few documents from your desktop to the highlighted window.
SharePoint drag-and-drop

6.    Click OK.
7.    Once the files have uploaded, click Done.
8.    Now all three documents are in the library.
SharePoint drag-and-drop

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